The Incubator is an immersive experience that focuses on developing and applying marketable skills and strategies to prepare students and postdoctoral fellows for successful careers in biotechnology.

Career Paths for STEM PhDs

There is a need to more broadly prepare students and postdocs for success in non-academic careers.

During a year-long program, The Incubator focuses on a novel biotechnology. Participants work together to perform a variety of tasks, including…


Discover lead indications and generate product profile sheets.


Write effective business plans for real companies.

Due diligence

Perform vigorous due diligence processes for emerging biotechnologies.


Benefits of participation

Real training

Get hands on training bringing real biotech products to market.

Real access

Get access to leading industry and academic mentors.

Real opportunity

Get opportunities to pitch innovative ideas to investors.

Who’s eligible for participation?

The Incubator is open to Harvard and MIT affiliates, and early-stage biotechnology companies.



Are you a Harvard or MIT affiliate? If so, you can apply to join The Incubator as a Learner. You’ll benefit from hands-on training, working with a participating company on a novel biotechnology.


Are you an early-stage biotechnology company? If so, you can apply to join The Incubator as a Company. You’ll benefit from unparalleled access to industry leaders and a team of Harvard clinical experts, faculty advisors, graduate students, post-docs and others working directly on developing your business.

Since 2014, The Incubator has brought innovative biotechnology to market.